Friday, January 23, 2009

syslog configuration in PIX 515E version 7.2(2)

was trying to configure syslog configuration into PIX.

the following command was typed,

*interface ethernet 1 is the connection to the Debian Syslog server
#logging host [interface name] "DMZ" udp | format emblem

we encoutered the error which states
"interface DMZ security level is 50 "
Error : " Port 0 is not within the range of 1025 - 65535"

Due to the security level which is set at 50, not all ports are opened.
port 0 to port 1024 are closed. Therefore the set up syslog hosting was not successful for PIX.

Mr Wagio if you happen to see this post, we need your advice on the configuration of PIX for syslog. Thank You

Ping DMZ from Inside

Yesterday, when i was trying my NTP in debian, i realized that i cannot ping DMZ from inside, then i went to do some research, and found out that i have to add the following command highlighted in red! mean that any ip addresses that try to talk to the destination, they will check whether are they in the same network by using the subnet mask to check the ip addresses !

After which, i try to ping from Inside to DMZ and it's work ! Then i try to ping from DMZ to inside, it denied by pix because of the security level i set for both DMZ and inside. Inside have higher security level, thus DMZ unable to ping !

Thursday, January 22, 2009

configuring syslog in switch

Was trying to configure the switch to transfer the logs into syslog-ng server.

However an error msg was received "cannot open port to "

We have checked the configuration of PIX, the address for was successfully mapped onto using static NAT.

we also tried to ping, however the error shown is unreachable host.

Later on we discovered that the error which shows , cannot open port to was caused as the ip address and ip default gateway wasn't configured.

The following command was used

Switch(config)# int vlan40

Switch(config-if)# ip address

Switch(config-if)# ip default-gateway

The logging server was point to

Console logging was also enabled

Debian server was also running, any change in the state such as the ports being [shut and up] would be recorded in the syslog

after all this configuration, the syslog host can be reachable by "ping" and the logg recording was successful.

to show log , vi /var/log/messages

a sample log to show that syslog-ng has managed to show the status of the switch being logged.