Thursday, December 18, 2008

What the Difference between Nagios-mysql and Nagios-pgsql?

Differences betwwen mysql and postgresql

- less features
- no transactions (transactions belong to oracle )
- use it for reading
- useless for Business critical appliactions
- Strange versioning 5.0.12 was beat 5.0.13 was offical release - do you know if you use a beta software

- more features
- stable
- more robust
- free for commercial use

But i still abit blur on the explanation, if can, can u explain to me what the difference ?

Re-drawn Physical Network Diagram

Mr Wagio, this is the updated Physical Network Diagram. Feel Free to take a look and give us comments. Thanks :D

Sample TACACS configuration for cisco router

In the router, you need to configure aaa authentication to enable the router querying the TACACS server for authentication data. As you might know, AAA stands for Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting. You should be able to do Authentication (Who are allowed to login), Authorization (What can he/she do when he/she logged in) and Accounting (What has he/she done during his login session).

Here is the sample configuration in the cisco router:
This configuration means, user's login session will authenticated first by Tacacs. If Tacacs failed, it will be authenticated agains the local user account. Remember username password command that you used during configuring PPP authentication.

After that you need to specify the tacacs servers:
In the Linux server where the TACACS service is running, you need to look for the tacacs configuration file. Normally it is located in /etc/tac_plus (for tacacs+)

Sample configuration;

Sample PIX version 7 configuration

Hi Zheng Le and Jun Yi, Here are the sample of PIX configuration. As you can see, it's pretty much like the cisco IOS command. Please build your research upon this :)

Look at Ethernet2. Comparable to the router IOS, normally you keyed in encapsulation dot1q 20 (vlan number). In pix, you just need to create a subinterface (ethernet2.20)
and put in the keyword vlan 2o, give the interface a name, security level and ip address.

--------------- sample config ----------------------------------

pixfirewall(config)#interface Ethernet0
pixfirewall(config-if)#ip address
pixfirewall(config-if)#nameif outside
pixfirewall(config-if)#no shutdown

pixfirewall(config-if)#interface Ethernet1
pixfirewall(config-if)#ip address
pixfirewall(config-if)#nameif DMZ
pixfirewall(config-if)#security-level 50
pixfirewall(config-if)#no shutdown

pixfirewall(config-if)#interface Ethernet2
pixfirewall(config-if)#no shutdown

pixfirewall(config-if)#interface Ethernet2.10
pixfirewall(config-subif)#vlan 10
pixfirewall(config-subif)#ip address
pixfirewall(config-subif)#nameif Servers
pixfirewall(config-subif)#security-level 75

pixfirewall(config-subif)#interface Ethernet2.20
pixfirewall(config-subif)#vlan 20
pixfirewall(config-subif)#ip address
pixfirewall(config-subif)#nameif OfficeA
pixfirewall(config-subif)#security-level 100

pixfirewall(config-subif)#interface Ethernet2.30
pixfirewall(config-subif)#vlan 30
pixfirewall(config-subif)#ip address
pixfirewall(config-subif)#nameif GuestWired
pixfirewall(config-subif)#security-level 25

pixfirewall(config-subif)#interface Ethernet2.40
pixfirewall(config-subif)#vlan 40
pixfirewall(config-subif)#ip address
pixfirewall(config-subif)#nameif GuestWireless
pixfirewall(config-subif)#security-level 25

pixfirewall(config-subif)#interface Ethernet2.50
pixfirewall(config-subif)#vlan 50
pixfirewall(config-subif)#ip address
pixfirewall(config-subif)#nameif OfficeWireless
pixfirewall(config-subif)#security-level 100

----------------------end of sample config ------------------------------

Logical Diagram Re- Drawn

PIX version 6.x and version 7.2

A recent we made is the keying of command into PIX. The command used at version 6 and version 7 are different. Therefore we came across errors such as

- Unrecognized command.
- Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

Certain commands used in version 6

- Ethernet port activation

the following command could not be excute as it is a Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

As for the solutions to obtain version 7 command, we search this websites

1 -

2 -

Monday, December 15, 2008

Un-successful Ping resolved

The arrow on the right hand side shows the wrong connected (port 23)
The correct port to be connected is on the left hand side (port 3)

The reason why the ping from DMZ and Remote client doesn't work is because the connected PC is plugged to the wrong port in the switch. Therefore the client are in different vlan, this result ping as unsuccessfully as no trunking was done.

The PC used to ping was connected to port 23, which is under VLAN 10 used for Internet access.

The supposed port to be connect was port 3 which was VLAN 40. therfore the client connect to port 23 in VLAN 10 could not communicate with the gateway in VLAN 40.